Section 61.13, Florida Statutes, Florida has determined that both parents owe a duty of support to a child or children.

Section 61.30, Florida Statutes provides the manner in which the amount owed by each parent is determined.

The following are things you need to know in order to calculate child support:

1. Number of children.

2. Gross Monthly Income:  The total amount of income received by each party, which includes:  wages, bonuses, overtime, tips, business income, disability benefits, unemployment benefits, interest income from investments, rental income.

3. Net Monthly Income (First, deduct any spousal support actually being paid from the Gross Monthly Income and, then, entering the following relevant data):

a) The Income Tax “Filing Status” of both parents:  Single, Married, Married filing Single, Head of Household.  (Remember:  some income may be Non-taxable or a party may be Self-employed.)

b) The Number of Dependents/Exemptions for both parents “Withholding Allowances”.

c) Health Care Deduction - The amount each parent pays for their own health insurance alone.

d) Other Allowable Deduction - The amount each parent pays for their mandatory retirement contributions.

e) Other Allowable Deduction - The amount each parent pays for their Mandatory Union dues.

f) Legally Ordered Child Support -  The amount each parent actually pays for a pre-existing Court Ordered Child Support.

4. The amount paid for the child or children’s health insurance.  Enter the amount in the column under the parent who pays the health insurance expense.

5. The amount paid for the child or children’s day care expense.  Enter the amount in the column under the parent who pays the day care expenses.

6. The average number of overnights each year both parents enjoy.  To enter this data, you will need to calculate the percentage of overnights:  If mom has 150 overnights, dad would have 215 (365 – 150 = 215).  Mom would have 150/365 = .4109 or 41%.  Dad would have 215/365 = .5890 or 59%.  Use the decimal number in the spreadsheet.

Once you have gathered this information, use this excel document link and enter the information.  The resulting calculation will be the amount of child support owed by each parent.  The parent either with the majority of the parenting time or with the greater income will pay the amount indicated in their column.

The spreadsheet also provides a way in which you can derive an arrears balance for unpaid child support over time as well as a payment amount at 20% of the currently monthly support obligation.

The link provided is to help you derive an idea of what your child support guideline obligation may be and how it is generally calculated.  This tool is provided for your use and is based upon the information you enter.  Where the tax code, laws and relevant data on which the calculations are derived may change, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of your results.

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